JSF Logistics B.V is not the owner of the goods stored but merely provides its services in the field of tank storage logistics. Our clients include private and state oil companies, refiners, petrochemical companies, and traders in petroleum products and chemicals.

Often we develop and operate our business with reputable local, private, and state-owned companies, whereby JSF Logistics B.V acts as an operating partner in the joint venture.

To further improve our shareholder’s value we continue to employ a strategy of controlled growth of our tank terminal-based service network through acquisitions, new buildings, and upgrading of existing facilities.

JSF Logistics B.V has a strong customer orientation and provides tailor-made infrastructure. Its focus is on safe, efficient and reliable services in constructing and operating its facilities.



Besides tank storage, JSF Logistics B.V  is active in the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) of tank terminals, pipelines, refineries, and power plants. The Indian subsidiary Indian Tank Storage Argent BV is a leading EPC company in India, and also active in other parts of Asia.

In 2019, about 2,200 employees worked for JSF Logistics B.V.

We provide high-quality services to our esteemed numerous customers who store with us gaseous and hazardous chemicals, petroleum products, and crude oil of various qualities. We also transport, terminal handling services such as heating, blending, temperature control, and mixing using ultra-modern automation systems in our various terminals such as Rotterdam Port, Amsterdam Port, Antwerp Port, Houston Port, Shanghai Port, and other European and Asian ports

JSF Logistics B.V has a strong customer orientation and provides tailor-made infrastructure. Its focus is on safe, efficient and reliable services in constructing and operating its facilities.

Besides tank storage, JSF Logistics B.V  is active in the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) of tank terminals, pipelines, refineries, and power plants. The Indian subsidiary Indian Tank Storage Argent BV is a leading EPC company in India, and also active in other parts of Asia.

In 2019, about 2,200 employees worked for JSF Logistics B.V.


Mission and Vision

our vision, purpose and core values are the foundation for everything we do.  How we meet our commitments and fulfill expectations will define our success.

The mission, vision and values were retained, but to meet the evolving needs of channel users and neighbors, the terminal has identified four new or modified strategic goals.  The goals and objectives focus on terminal efforts and resources, and guide planning and decision making by all staff to fulfill our vision and mission.